Empowering the Most Promising Innovators in Science & Technology to Pursue the Boldest Ideas
The Hertz Fellowship offers financial and lifelong professional support for an extremely select handful of the nation’s most promising graduate students in science and technology. The fellowship—including up to five years of funding, valued at up to $250,000—gives these brilliant students freedom to pursue innovative thinking wherever it may lead.
—John Ohab, Hertz Foundation“The Hertz Foundation partnered with Project6 on the complete redesign of its public website. In just a few months, Project6 led us through the process of overhauling the website from top to bottom, including the underlying technology, content management system, messaging, and visual design. The result not only reflected quality design and website development work, but also a desire to learn about our organization and carry our values and mission throughout the website. The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts recognized this work with the Silver award in the nonprofit sector at the 2020 w3 Awards.”
Modernizing their Branding
The language and layout of the original Hertz Foundation website in no way matched the energy and brilliance of their audience. So the Foundation sought to modernize its branding to appeal both to long-standing fellows as well as to students born into a global economy with a high degree of online savvy. The copy-dense layouts and small, low-resolution images were not responsive—and staff members were unable to make anything more than minor updates the outdated, custom-coded website. Print collateral also had no unifying look and feel.
Focused the Audience on Inspiring Stories
Project6 interviewed staff, board members and a wide range of fellows—some still working on their PhD, others with long and brilliant careers—to gain a deep understanding of the Foundation’s mission and people and craft new messaging in line with their values and vision. We pruned outdated content and, through beautiful, responsive layouts, focused the audience on inspiring stories that conveyed the full impact the Foundation’s investment in their fellows. The visual elements used online were then used as a toolkit for coordinated digital templates and print collateral pieces, making them ready-to-use and easy for any staff member to update.
Empowering Limitless Progress
The Hertz Foundation now enjoys unified branding across online and offline touchpoints. All communications, from the website and annual report to email blasts, donor kits and thank you notes, now reflect The Hertz Foundation’s bold mantra of empowering limitless progress. The website—now a strong visual showcase for Foundation fellows, their work, and the impact that their work has had, both nationally and worldwide—engages and activates donors and partners. At the same time, the new tools are flexible and intuitive—site layouts are easily updated and managed by the Hertz team. The brand now fully represents the exception intergenerational community of fellows and the innovation they have brought to the rest of the world.