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Ground-Up Website Design For UCSF’s Groundbreaking Boxer Lab

UCSF’s Boxer Lab, headed by Dr. Adam Boxer, is known for its out-of-the-box approach to understanding and combating neurodegenerative conditions. But without a significant web presence, their work wasn’t reaching as wide of an audience.

Ground-Up Website Design For UCSF’s Groundbreaking Boxer Lab

Project6 was selected to create a website from the ground up for this remarkable lab, landing on a solution that would both adhere to UCSF’s strict branding guidelines and stand out in a sea of other UCSF sites.

Because Boxer Lab’s work revolves around clinical trials for new neurodegenerative condition treatments, communicating compassionately and confidently with the public is key. P6 defined the site structure and organization as well as design elements that would help demystify the process of participating in a clinical trial or study for these treatments, providing clarity (and peace of mind) to participants and their families.

The final Boxer Lab site brings a refreshing clarity to the lab’s research. Whether individuals wish to participate in an observational study to help researchers learn more about their condition, or enter into a clinical trial for new therapies, they can now skim the site and find in-depth details laid out in an easy-to-use interface, as well as search for the specific studies and trials in which they might participate.

The Boxer Lab is clearly identifiable as part of UCSF’s constellation of sites, yet maintains its own unique and accessible aesthetic—making it easier than ever for the lab to work toward its goal of a cure for neurodegenerative brain diseases.

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Project6 Green Certification
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14 Nov 2019