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Saving Animals’ Lives With a Legendary Animal Shelter

The local non-profit East Bay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (East Bay SPCA), is one of the most innovative in the region. They sought an agency that could come to their rescue with a comprehensive new online strategy.

Saving Animals’ Lives With a Legendary Animal Shelter
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The legacy East Bay SPCA website suffered from an overwhelmingly vibrant color palette, clunky layout, and unclear navigation that made it difficult to discover the organization’s many services. They sought to refine their online branding, untangle their wayfinding and content needs, and build a site that was easy to use, easy to manage, and deeply compelling to a multitude of audiences.

Project6 started with a competitive analysis, restructuring the website architecture to balance immediate audience needs with in-depth information about East Bay SPCA’s many services. We revisited the brand palette, toning down the color chaos by introducing a darker shade of each existing primary color. We designed a modular layout that showcased East Bay SPCA’s weekly, monthly, and seasonal messaging. And of course, we integrated and refined the display of adoptable animals, integrating data from East Bay SPCA’s third-party database, ShelterBuddy, as well as their donation platform, BlackBaud.

The redesigned East Bay SPCA website features what visitors want to see most—heartfelt images of rescued, well-cared-for, adoptable animals, plus the training resources and medical information needed to sustain that care. At the same time, the site enables website managers to quickly and easily manage their content, events, and pet listings, so they have more time for important tasks—playing with puppies!

Explore more of our website design services and reach out if we can support your nonprofit.

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